Anthropology of Fashion
Anthropology of fashion
The main objective of this seminar is that all those participating directly will learn to become an influence in the fashion world by being able to enhance the values and the dignity of the human person through the way they dress and behave.
Counter the ideological impact that fashion nowadays tries to impose through stereotypes that degrade our human aspect and especially all women. Develop in all participants keen criteria surrounding all aspects of fashion so they can apply their knowledge to the authentic values of femininity and masculinity of elegance and beauty.
Establish criteria to evaluate the value that an outfit can grant to each and every circumstance.
When and how the woman becomes an object of ownership or possession
Individual rights, dignity and appearance of the person
Modern cosmetic beauty until where?
The history of fashion and ideologies
The basic values and clothing
Critical thinking thought and style Professional life and wardrobe
How to become a fashion influencer